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 Post subject: Official SRF Discord Server!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:44 am 
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Link to original post: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=136375

Hey guys, as you may have seen in the other thread we've been thinking about an SRF discord server for a little while now. A few days ago I prepared one, waiting only for a few people to agree that this is the best course of action. Most agreed, albeit with some concern, so that means it's time to make it public.

If you're unaware, Discord is a chat program somewhat similar to Teamspeak, but without the heavy focus on voice chat. Discord can work from a client or directly from your browser and to my knowledge no registration is necessary. There's a mobile App as well, so you can view it from anywhere you'd like to.

Please give it a try, and pass on the news to any who might be interested. SRF experienced a small resurgence of old members recently, so now is probably the best time to get the ball rolling. And its important that it gets rolling fast.

This our best attempt to bring our dear community back to together. Lets make it count!

Just click the link below to open the server immediately in your browser or client:
Server Link:

Discord Client Download:

Day[9] wrote:
"Tea is a lot like gold expansions - it helps you kill people."
- Day[9] Daily 337 -

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