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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:36 am 
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zero0isagod wrote:

Facts About Immo's Trade Runs :

* A "dozen" of decent thieves from K_O's union can screw up any Immo trade, regardless the number of hunters.

* Tracing their trades is always an outside Resser, coz they know that the previous fact is TRUE.

* They still don't understand why their trade goods are disappearing from the ground with no thief's bull or horse in sight.

* They global false location of their trades, to seem strong and smart, and when thieves go and find nothing, they'll be globalling "where the *chicken* thieves at?"

I made a trade or two in troy not much, seen good thiefing by KO union, but seen much times cheating has much as they can to get them...
"Outside resser", they don't use??, i was lvl 78, my hunter partner lvl 79, got a thief pt dead, we where two not 80 or lvl 80, and then some outside resser came and changed the story!!! lol to kill a 78 and a 79, you guys needed 5 thiefs and an outside resser...

This kind of stuff happened before i joined immo, the 2 or 3 times i got robbed i get to see globals sayng, thx for the loot immo...
IMAO not immo only made 5 star runs...
for example JIT joined DarkenedSoul 2 or 3 months ago...

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:54 am 
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DopeX wrote:
So you assume i'm tyfly?yeah well that's alright you can think i'm whoever you want me to be. I'll let you keep guessing, gives me a little joy inside that you spend so much time thinking about me.and u spend so much time postin replies on my forum, cant describe the smile on my face As for the rest of the things you wrote, why don't you trying to pming him ingame about it. You keep digging in dirt, to the point where i think you've gotten over your head. Like in previous comments, here are some words of wisdom, try fixing your own problemscan u please remind me abt my problems before you worry about other peoples
cant help it, i'm deeply concerned
Also as for our guild being kicked from immortality union, yes we were kicked, wippey do. You got kicked from your union too, But see um we got back into ours as for yourswe got kicked coz ongy flipped out, and disbanded, and for us, we were kicked coz we were inactive, thats what i have bn sayin for the past 3days, i had exams i cant be ar$ed abt sro.... and our members kiss no ones ass, i don't know how you run your guild (seriously i don't, its falling aparthow the f@%k did u deduce that? Oh wait, i've bn sayin it in 50% of my posts rofl) but we don't need to kiss anyone's ass :)

U failed to comment abt the part with the old union with ravin and tic, i can't wait to hear what kinda bullshit u gonna come up with.

And atleast i'm not hiding who i really am...

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:41 pm 
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zero0isagod wrote:
DopeX wrote:
So you assume i'm tyfly?yeah well that's alright you can think i'm whoever you want me to be. I'll let you keep guessing, gives me a little joy inside that you spend so much time thinking about me.and u spend so much time postin replies on my forum, cant describe the smile on my face As for the rest of the things you wrote, why don't you trying to pming him ingame about it. You keep digging in dirt, to the point where i think you've gotten over your head. Like in previous comments, here are some words of wisdom, try fixing your own problemscan u please remind me abt my problems before you worry about other peoples
cant help it, i'm deeply concerned
Also as for our guild being kicked from immortality union, yes we were kicked, wippey do. You got kicked from your union too, But see um we got back into ours as for yourswe got kicked coz ongy flipped out, and disbanded, and for us, we were kicked coz we were inactive, thats what i have bn sayin for the past 3days, i had exams i cant be ar$ed abt sro.... and our members kiss no ones ass, i don't know how you run your guild (seriously i don't, its falling aparthow the f@%k did u deduce that? Oh wait, i've bn sayin it in 50% of my posts rofl) but we don't need to kiss anyone's ass :)

U failed to comment abt the part with the old union with ravin and tic, i can't wait to hear what kinda bullshit u gonna come up with.

And atleast i'm not hiding who i really am...

Well i like how your attitude is getting worse shows oh immature you are, but i didn't comment on the old union remarks you've posted because i wasn't around for that. If you wish to find out about it try pming tyfly ingame. This topic is going off course if your so infatuated with tyfly, why don't you make another topic about him and see how dumb we can make you look. So keep talking all this smack, look big on a forum and Thanks for giving us so much attention, really i'm glad we have fans like you.



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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:26 pm 
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DopeX wrote:

Well i like how your attitude is getting worse shows oh immature you are ran outta comebacks?, but i didn't comment on the old union remarks you've posted because i wasn't around for that. If you wish to find out about it try pming tyfly ingame. This topic is going off course if your so infatuated with tyfly i love the b@%$h, why don't you make another topic about himi will soon and see how dumb we can make you look jus like how dumb u made urself look by postin crap over and over?. So keep talking all this smack, SMACK! look big on a forum THANK YOU! and Thanks for giving us so much attention, you're welcome, u guys earned it really i'm glad we have fans like you.
dunno if i should feel offended or praised


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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:49 pm 
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hehe come backs, don't need any i wasn't offended, i told tyfly tho, i'm sure he'll be on here shortly (24hr posting thing) anyways we look forward for that topic :D

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:39 pm 
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DopeX wrote:
hehe come backs, don't need any i wasn't offended, i told tyfly tho, i'm sure he'll be on here shortly (24hr posting thing) anyways we look forward for that topic :D

U guys consider this flaming, i consider it a debate. I said stuff about ur union, ur tryna prove them wrong. Ppl now have an idea about what immortality is like, gimme some credit xD plus this is like the first forum about u guys as a union ;) i'm doin u guys a favor ^^ 24hrs, hmmm cant wait :D

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:27 pm 
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Well i have to say, you have done us a favor, really all the time and attention you gave us is really appreciated, if you spent this time and dedication towards your guild maybe you'd be some where. you can call this thread whatever you'd like personally i see it was a bit of a sore loser thread, oh no there better than us, we can't beat them in sro lets fight them on a forum lol, meh doesn't change anything ingame, and if it was a "debate" it ended on the second page, when you brought people into this whom weren't involved.... He's read it and will give his 2 cents tomorrow, once the 24hrs is lifted. You've seem to have said some strong words on this forum, but ingame its a different story. Well i think i've served my purpose for now, guess i'll let the noopie take over when he can finally post lol



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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:19 pm 
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Here we go again,
DopeX wrote:
Well i have to say, you have done us a favor yeah, u didnt say somethin new, coz i mentioned that in the last post, really all the time and attention you gave us is really appreciated talk about attention, i jus checked ur profile and it said most of ur posts 'on one forum' were on this forum, (thank you for the 'attention'), if you spent this time and dedication towards your guild maybe you'd be some where. my guild will get its attention when i'm bak and active on sro (i'm on a break)oh and btw my guild reached top place on rev6 for a whole week, bak wen i was active, at the time ur guild didn't make it to top ten lol you can call this thread whatever you'd like personally i see it was a bit of a sore loser thread yeah, u've bn posting replies all the time, how could it not be, oh no there better than us i don't recall sayin some1 is better than some1, i jus stated facts about ur union (is the whole union illiterate and can't read? Oh wait no, they're sro-educated, we can't beat them in sro lets fight them on a forum lol we? I'm only one person. lets fight them? I stated facts which u and ur union master confirmed most of them(refer to the 'editing', u started the fight, not my fault if ur running outta 'come backs', meh doesn't change anything ingame yeah most forums don't, and the 'purpose' was to let people know how ur union is, i don't recall any attempts for ingame changes proposed by me o.0 , and if it was a "debate" it ended on the second page,yeah it ended there till u came back from 'party' and started runnin ur shitty mouth again when you brought people into this whom weren't involved did i?.... He's read it and will give his 2 cents tomorrow, once the 24hrs is lifted. already said 'cant wait' You've seem to have said some strong words on this forum i like it when a 'man' can admit his loss, but ingame its a different story yeah ingame, its the facts i mentioned above. Well i think i've served my purpose for now purpose?, guess i'll let the noopie take over one down, one more to go ;)when he can finally post lol


i feel like ur writing some kinda letter instead of postin on a forum, dude we no it was u who posted the reply, ur name was mentioned above -.-

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:21 am 
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i didnt read any thing....

but what zer0isagod said :)

sun set? maybe?

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:52 am 
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lets see, where do i begin, rev6 wow congrats you were top 10, that means shit, i couldn't care less rev6 says half our guild is 85, when most are 90. If you guys where so active how come you lost your guild war? and you were stating facts? no your just a sore loser who can't take the fact that were better than you, hows that for a fact? I'm glad your looking at my profile, want my number cup cake? and i started a fight? your the one who had to be a sore loser and post this in the first place, i'm not running out of come backs, believe me we could shut you up if we wanted to.(waiting for the red text "than make me") Having you try to insult us for 3 pages is rather amusing :D and your stating facts,You obivously need to study more for your exams, so i'll save you some trouble....
Fact –noun
something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
Those aren't facts, there your attempt at making immortality union look bad, but meh can't be famous without the odd haters,Hmm last but not least, your saying all this smack in the forum, why don't you get your bitch ass on troy and say it to us, Guild war us, put on a cape, will see who's tough, lol heres where the excuse comes of your exams, blah blah blah, w/e dude i'm done with this topic, i'll give tyfly a chance to have some fun with yea,



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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:46 am 
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DopeX wrote:
lets see, where do i begin, rev6 wow congrats you were top 10 no hunie, i said top place, numero uno, primo, first, etc, that means shit, i couldn't care less rev6 says half our guild is 85, when most are 90. thats a different story, its based on ur guildies sets, weps If you guys where so active how come you lost your guild war? lol hold on, i jus figured out u totally can't read, i already answered this question b4, belq pmed me sayin u guys were 8 online, and we were around 9ish, so we agreed, but u weren't less than 20 >.< also i heard u were askin for help from union, "like tellin baba to get on _phoem_ and you were stating facts? no your just a sore loser am i? who can't take the fact that were better than you, lol u take the game seriously, u spend ur life mostly playin it, u've bn playin it more than i did, u maybe better than me, but i'm sure others are way better hows that for a fact?fiction? I'm glad your looking at my profile, want my number cup cake? sure, together with ur muffin and i started a fight? yeah your the one who had to be a sore loser ur using it too much and post this in the first place freedom of speech, i'm not running out of come backs yeah, ur using the same shit over and over -_- , believe me we we? how many are u? could shut you upu obviously haven't so try harder if we we again wanted to.(waiting for the red text "than make me") nah i got somethin better "bite me" ^^ Having you try insult us for 3 pages is rather amusing yeah half the number of pages, u failed miserably at insultin me :D and your stating facts,You obivously need to study more for your exams i did my homework, mum, so i'll save you some trouble...
Fact –noun
something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
lol i study medicine, but i bet ur still at school studyin english literature
Those aren't facts, if they aren't facts, how come u and ur union master confirmed most of them? Want me to repeat what u guys said and write it in large font jus so u can actually read? there your attempt at making immortality union look bad u guys already look bad and are hated by most of the people on the server"new fact", i'm jus lettin people outta server in on what u guys are like, but meh can't be famous without the odd haters yeah but sucks to have 50% of a server hating ya, what are the odds?,Hmm last but not least yay ur gonna be posting more crap, your saying all this smack SMACK! in the forum, why don't you get your bitch ass on troy and say it to us sigh, like i said i'm on a break? Jeez ur makin me have to repeat everythin i already said, Guild war us sigh, ffs learn to read, put on a cape, will see who's tough , lol heres where the excuse comes of your exams omg ur finally reading, only wrong excuse, told ya my guild got effed up coz of me being inactive and that hacker(so we can't war), i'm inactive, so pvping me now would be useless, we'll pvp in a month or 2 and see about it ;), blah blah blah, w/e dude i'm done with this topic make my day, i'll give tyfly a chance to have some fun lol 3rd time 'cant wait' with yea,


DopeXthere he goes again

Weird, i recall u postin that u dont like to war "strong guilds" like eXe, to avoid the drama and that u like to have 'friendly' wars, dunno if "ur guild lost the war" is part of bein friendly? -_- ur totally contradicting what u say, its like ur more than one person, maybe that explains the "we" lol

Ps. Learn to read

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:34 am 
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Hmm first and foremost... being top spot in rev6 means jack... look at whose at top spot now. Lords of war. look at whose top 3 now. KO and Immo. You think Lord of war is stronger that the other top 3 guilds? its easy to get top spot... just kick and add members all the time. Rev6 gives top spot to the guild that has the most number of ppl in the guild. 52 ppl in the guild for lords of war... you think thats possible? go learn a little bout rev6 before you start teaching others.(lemme guess your reply:"dont need to, i got a life.")

Every "insult" that you have thrown at us has been countered again and again... your entire first post was rubbished in MY first post and you didnt even have any comebacks for that.

You think we really care about being hated? The server hates whichever guild that is in power... Its a well known fact. If arkenstone came into power... they wud be the most hated... when XxX was in power... they were the most hated. You wouldnt know... cuz your shitty guild was never in power ^^

You call this debating? all you are doing here is insulting your own intelligence...
you learning medicine? lol i thot u shud have better retorts than tht.

please if you wanna insult us somemore go look at my first post in this topic and counter that first... dont make ur self and ur education look so wasted ^^

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:03 am 
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fortroy wrote:
Hmm first and foremost... being top spot in rev6 means jack... look at whose at top spot now. Lords of war. look at whose top 3 now. KO and Immo. You think Lord of war is stronger that the other top 3 guilds? its easy to get top spot... just kick and add members all the time. Rev6 gives top spot to the guild that has the most number of ppl in the guild. 52 ppl in the guild for lords of war... you think thats possible? go learn a little bout rev6 before you start teaching others.(lemme guess your reply:"dont need to, i got a life.")
i never said my guild was the strongest being on top list of rev6, and wow u no the reply, so why bother ask?
Every "insult" that you have thrown at us has been countered again and again...hmmm yeah it was countered by retarded posts >.< and those were countered as well your entire first post was rubbished in MY first post and you didnt even have any comebacks for that.u didn't prove the facts wrong, u were emphasising half of them and talkin about xxx the other half

You think we really care about being hated? i was talkin to dope, never asked how u feel about it? The server hates whichever guild that is in power... Its a well known fact. If arkenstone came into power... they wud be the most hated... when XxX was in power... they were the most hated. You wouldnt know... cuz your shitty guild was never in power would suck if i didnt play that much, and then i'm leader of the fortress -_-^^

You call this debating? all you are doing here is insulting your own intelligence... how is that? By mockin the shit u guys write?
you learning medicine? lol i thot u shud have better retorts than comin out from some1 who got nothin better in life to do than play sro, then no comment

please if you wanna insult i no the truth hurts, but its the truth, u take as insults not my fault us somemore go look at my first post already talked about that in this topic and counter that first stop beggin for my attention >.<... dont make ur self and ur education look so wasted wow thats the most irrelevant lame bullshit i saw posted on this forum, what do u do for a living? Oh wait i no, play sro^^

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:27 am 
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There you go countered by retarded posts ^^ all you keep saying is we got no life blah blah blah...I am good at whatever i do.. whether it be in real life or in game. I got a job that pays better than any job taht u will ever land in ur "medicine" career. so please dont talk about life ^^ We got things well worked out for us :D you should work your insecurities out tho ^_^

As for mocking us? we are all laughing at how retarded your posts are... we are having field party in union chat laughing at ur retarded replies... your attempts at looking cool end up making you look like a fool.

go study my boy... u need all the education to help your insecure life ^^ if you cant balance school and sro its not my fault...Dont blame ur guilds shittiness by saying "i need to study and i got exams" lame excuse lol

And yeah except for the 2 things that u added about fortress with 300 ppl and some other nonsense, u havent really given the reply to my first post... do that first heehhe

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:37 am 
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fortroy wrote:
There you go countered by retarded posts ^^ all you keep saying is we got no life blah blah blah...I am good at whatever i do.. whether it be in real life or in game. I got a job that pays better than any job taht u will ever that would be countin the revenue generated from the hospital owned by my family and playing an important role in a patient's death every once in a while, so i hope ur job is about owning a decent company or so lol land in ur "medicine" career. oh mr. a** kisser, job name plz?so please dont talk about life ^^why? Does it hurt much when ppl talk about life? Wonder what the reason could be? We got things well worked out for us :D you should work your insecurities out tho ^_^
i don't need to work for the rest of my life, but i don't wanna sit at home like a useless b@%$h or live my entire life playin sro, like i'm buildin somethin for my grandkids to inherit

As for mocking us? we are all laughing at how retarded your posts are... we are having field party in union chat laughing at ur retarded replies...i'm not in ur party so i cant laugh the shit off at u guys, sry your attempts at looking cool end up making you look like a fool.
listen to how kewl u sounded sayin that
go study my boy... u need all the education to help your insecure life lol so i suppose u didn't need education? Pretty much explains everythin u post ^^ if you cant balance school and sro its not my fault...i can balance it, the fact that i stopped for my exams is a SIGN, *speakin of retarded posts* Dont blame ur guilds shittiness by saying "i need to study and i got exams" lame excuse lol
i said bein inactive, and on a break and the guild was effed up by a friend gettin hacked, but ur jus talkin shit without payin attention to what's bein said
And yeah except for the 2 things that u added about fortress with 300 ppl and some other nonsense, u havent really given the reply to my first post... do that first heehhei needn't do that, like i said u confirmed most of them, so i can't be bothered

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Last edited by zero0isagod on Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:12 am 
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OK lets try this
zero0isagod wrote:
fortroy wrote:
There you go countered by retarded posts ^^ all you keep saying is we got no life blah blah blah...I am good at whatever i do.. whether it be in real life or in game. I got a job that pays better than any job taht u will ever land in ur "medicine" career. oh mr. a** kisser, job name plz?Dont want to boast^^ doesnt concern playing with sro^^so please dont talk about life ^^ We got things well worked out for us :D you should work your insecurities out tho ^_^

As for mocking us? we are all laughing at how retarded your posts are... we are having field party in union chat laughing at ur retarded replies...i'm not in ur party so i cant laugh the shit off at u guys, sryyou would only be in our parties if u begged hard enuff *powrlvl pls* your attempts at looking cool end up making you look like a fool.
listen to how kewl u sounded sayin thatwasnt trying to be cool just pointing out how u make urself look^^
go study my boy... u need all the education to help your insecure life lol so i suppose u didn't need education? Pretty much explains everythin u post my posts are little be more constructive than yours^^ if you cant balance school and sro its not my fault...i can balance it, the fact that i stopped for my exams is a SIGN, *speakin of retarded posts* Dont blame ur guilds shittiness by saying "i need to study and i got exams" lame excuse lol
i said bein inactive, and on a break and the guild was effed up by a friend gettin hacked, but ur jus talkin shit without payin attention to what's bein saidone friend decides the fate of ur entire guild? we have ppl getting hacked and scammed everyday... dont see me saying anything about tht *excuses*
And yeah except for the 2 things that u added about fortress with 300 ppl and some other nonsense, u havent really given the reply to my first post... do that first heehhei needn't do that, like i said u confirmed most of them, so i can't be bothered

dont remember confirming anything you said... in fact i remember countering it without getting a decent reply from ur sidei didnt confirm anything ^^ you knwo it too.. ur entire immortality theorem was proven to be shitty not by jsut myself but by others too^^ you still havent given a favorable reply

off too work...will reply to wadeva nonsense you have to say when i get back^^ TRY, just try to post something constructive

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:17 am 
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oh sry u missed my editing, lol alrite i'll comment on ur first post. Gonna be fun ^^

And about the friend, sry i failed to mention, he had WITHDRAW. i already talked about it b4 as well. But oh well,the only thing annoyin me in this forum is that i gotta repeat what i say for idiots to get it cleared

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Last edited by zero0isagod on Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:20 am 
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lol dont flame with this zero.

he is sad cuz his union is nothing :P

Belquerst -=- STR Archer -==- LvL 90 -=- Arkenstone

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:24 am 
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Belq wrote:
lol dont flame with this zero.

he is sad cuz his union is nothing :P

Lol belq, my union is nothin coz we're unionless atm, also we got offered to join the reformed union back but we didn't, yet

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:42 am 
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zero0isagod wrote:
Belq wrote:
lol dont flame with this zero.

he is sad cuz his union is nothing :P

Lol belq, my union is nothin coz we're unionless atm, also we got offered to join the reformed union back but we didn't, yet

lol..still whining.

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Myrmidons! My brothers of the sword! I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Immortality!

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:47 am 
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fortroy wrote:
Failed to mention that the facts are about immortality union at the mean time, so don't bother me with history bullshit. Ok the followin is jus for u fortboy ;) i said u confirmed most of the facts so here they are :
Facts About Immo's Union/Guild Master : AlmightyG0D

* A 24-25 years old guy, who cries *literally* on union chat, whenever his union is about to lose or have lost the fortress. Can be proven by asking ppl from the union.
indeed a 24 year old guy...passionate as he is... no one has ever left because of his crying. Grow up and lead a strong union zero... you cant even lead ur shitty guild.fact confirmed
* Is good at a**-kissing, there are 7 guild masters (half of which are turks) getting their a**es kissed as we speak.
We have pretty much know everyone in the union for as much as 2 years... ask any of the leaders...We fought BH together when you were still learning how to do 1 star trades without getting popped.ok u go way bak, that doesn't mean ur not good at a**kissin, oh and dope said *u kiss his a**, so i guess credit goes to dope for confirmin
* Is afraid to war guilds like XxX and Arkenstone, but will not hesitate to ask much weaker guilds for war.
let me see...war with XxX... raped them during 80 cap... caused their entire guild to dissolve...5sir union rocked on^^ As for arken??? we raped genesis back than by thousands of points :)
hmmm i'm talkin about immo now, not about 5sir union >.< i see xxx askin u for guild wars on globals but u never comply, as for genesis? Hmmm i dont recall mentionin genesis, arkenstone may have players from genesis, but thats different

Facts About 85% Of Immo's Union Members :

* They think TEAM-PLAYING means 5 vs. 1.
Seriously how long have u been on troy? go learn more about xxxhmmm u didnt prove the fact wrong, instead u changed topic talkin about xxx, what the f%@k does that have to do with the fact?
* They think they can be crowned KINGS of troy, if they can kill a player 5+ levels lower than theirs. Go Dw south and listen to them brag about it as well.
u pissed off that we own u over and over again? go get capped nooblol yeah i hated that, but thanks for confirmin, credit goes to lilldevil for the addin
* First thing they said
when they lost the fortress : "we had it for 6+ months". Not sure if they realised that fortwar is only every 2 weeks, and for 2hrs, meaning u actually have been defending it for a DAY or 2.
so why didnt KO union have it at any point during the day or 2? Fort started end of dec and we held on till end of may... so go count how many months noobplease ask them, but i heard the time of fortwar doesn't suit their time zone, but hey when the day was over they grabbed it didn't they? U guys got it bak coz the plan wasn't organised, but i'm sure they learn from their mistakes and they're bak together now
* They were happy as sh*t wen Bright_Sun got banned, coz he killed 351 of them at some fortwar. God, 351players, thats 7 full guilds and the almightyA**kisser.
we were happy BS got banned cuz he's a scammer and a ccfer ^^ no other reason... on the may day holiday... AlmightyGreatness had 300 kills... as a warrior with no suns^^ big Farking deal ehehehe
so he did? And ur happy he got banned? So what, ur union could have ccfers or scammers that we dunno about, i dont think they're all illiterate *HIGH WAGE* workers that can afford to buy alot of silk

Facts About Immo's Trade Runs :

* A "dozen" of decent thieves from K_O's union can screw up any Immo trade, regardless the number of hunters.
LET ME EMPHASIZE(A "dozen" of decent thieves in reverse oblation^^) you know its truelol but they screw up ur trades rite? Thanks for the 'emphasis'
* Tracing their trades is always an outside Resser, coz they know that the previous fact is TRUE.
the only reason we do that is cuz drunkens is never in suit... wake up and look at more trade runs... so u do it dont u? Confirmed, i don't recall seeing thieves walkin around with their personal buffers tracin them, u need to have serious talk with drunkens about it
* They still don't understand why their trade goods are disappearing from the ground with no thief's bull or horse in sight.
thats dollars trick... pk2hack solved that probwell my bad, u no one of the tricks, but obviously dope has no idea
* They global false location of their trades, to seem strong and smart, and when thieves go and find nothing, they'll be globalling "where the *chicken* thieves at?"
LOL...Thats a joke... loosen your ass abit and learn to take a jokei can take a joke, i'm not the thief who goes to the false location, so it doesn't bother me. Hmmm weird tho dope said its usually where u guys say it is, are u 2 from the same union?

Facts About Some of
Immo's Union Members :

* Sro_Admin and lesfous are the only respectable guilds in that union. So is DarkenedSoul.
I'll bet you a 100bucks they hate your gutsnever said they're in love with me. Don't make up stuff, stick to the text bein written, i jus said they're respectable, if u think thats not a fact, then say that
* Kazlac is a bunch of w***** lead by a s*** who can't even spell sentence right. He still thinks its "sentance".
You hate them cause you got owned by them over and over again... you outcasted egyptian little school girldid i mention i'm scarred for life coz of that insult? Oh yeah i did. The other day he was correctin my english mistakes on globals coz i said *went thru adultery* instead of *committed adultery*. Lol yeah maybe i made a mistake there but he didnt make it better by tryin to correct me when i said *sense* and he said it was *sence*. Oh and that *sentance*, that was a lowblow
* Turks are nice ppl if you pick the ones you deal with carefully, don't try the ones in Immo tho, bad image for the country.
Like how the viets in XXX are bad image for their country?
u talk about that with xxx, u jus said like, so i suppose ur confirmin that turks in ur union are bad image for their country? Okie dokie
Respectable people from Immo's union :

AngieSan, tyfly, The_Holy_, Invoke, Cute_Diba, RickRoss, _Iroi_, The_Artist, jlbbass, Belquerest, l_ilia_l (not really respectable, but a good guy ), bobole and many others.
Bet you another 100 bucks come on 100bucks only? I heard u earn alot they hate your guts in real life ^^Anyways if they like you so much or so uthink... get them to hate immo and get them to join ur shitty noobie guild ^_^i said they're respectable, dunno how many of them hate me, well its only ilia so far that i know about ^^, ur jus jealous ur name didn't go up there :P

Ret***** F**s from Immo's Union (to whom i dedicate this) :

AlmightG0D, Rampage,
PPP (dunno the exact nick), Egyptiana (a guy), and many other f**s too
Thanks ;( its people like u that keep us goingyou're welcome ^^

I hope this was constructive enough to match ur educational level. If ya still think i didn't reply to ur editing, then ur gonna have to figure that out on ur own. MUACKS, and good luck at ur 'job'.

As for the rest of ppl plannin on postin, i'll be away for the day, i'll reply to ur posts 2mrw, so post as much as u guys want ;)

IHateWhiners, i thought u said u would not like to post on this topic again, stick to what u say ;)

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:32 pm 
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with the last post, just have to clear things up for the doc, The kiss'n ass thing i said was sarcasm, i thought some one has smart as you(or claims to be smart) would pick up on that, The trades that DarkenedSoul<--- Notice the red Our Guild do, that we global about were generally telling the true position(I'm not commenting for the whole union, tyfly can do that since hes a GM<-- Guild master for the slow people in the corner :wink: , we get 1 or 2 thieves that show up, takes 1 person to knock em down, XxX Cleric pops in ress's them, you know clearly no outside buffs or anything, and they keep attacking until we usually reach town. Once town they get a few dozen thieves to stand at the gate, global or two go off from them blah blah blah, nuff said, sorry had to make sure the doc knew what i was saying, seems like my illiterate union can read better than yea.

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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:01 pm 
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zero0isagod wrote:
fortroy wrote:
Failed to mention that the facts are about immortality union at the mean time, so don't bother me with history bullshit. Ok the followin is jus for u fortboy ;) i said u confirmed most of the facts so here they are :
Facts About Immo's Union/Guild Master : AlmightyG0D

* A 24-25 years old guy, who cries *literally* on union chat, whenever his union is about to lose or have lost the fortress. Can be proven by asking ppl from the union.
indeed a 24 year old guy...passionate as he is... no one has ever left because of his crying. Grow up and lead a strong union zero... you cant even lead ur shitty guild.fact confirmedi admit being a little excited... but thanks for confirming that i lead a strong union ^^
* Is good at a**-kissing, there are 7 guild masters (half of which are turks) getting their a**es kissed as we speak.
We have pretty much know everyone in the union for as much as 2 years... ask any of the leaders...We fought BH together when you were still learning how to do 1 star trades without getting popped.ok u go way bak, that doesn't mean ur not good at a**kissin, oh and dope said *u kiss his a**, so i guess credit goes to dope for confirminobviously you got no friends in real life or in game... all ur friends must be people whose ass u kiss eh? Friends= asskisser? than hell yeah im an ass kisser... sorry tho that u got no friends^^ and dopex was joking:P cant see a joke or take a joke?
* Is afraid to war guilds like XxX and Arkenstone, but will not hesitate to ask much weaker guilds for war.
let me see...war with XxX... raped them during 80 cap... caused their entire guild to dissolve...5sir union rocked on^^ As for arken??? we raped genesis back than by thousands of points :)
hmmm i'm talkin about immo now, not about 5sir union >.< i see xxx askin u for guild wars on globals but u never comply, as for genesis? Hmmm i dont recall mentionin genesis, arkenstone may have players from genesis, but thats differentwe have asked xxx to war us more times than they asked us... each time they ignored. Just becuz u see xxx ask once and no one replies, doesnt mean we are afraid ^^ as for genesis... thats why i said you have to learn abit of history... arkenstone consists of 90% of genesis^^ arkenstone is genesis.

Facts About 85% Of Immo's Union Members :

* They think TEAM-PLAYING means 5 vs. 1.
Seriously how long have u been on troy? go learn more about xxxhmmm u didnt prove the fact wrong, instead u changed topic talkin about xxx, what the f%@k does that have to do with the fact?you were in xxx union... so if xxx does that to us... we do it to the rest of the union. simple maths no? do u even know the meaning of being in a union? go learn pls
* They think they can be crowned KINGS of troy, if they can kill a player 5+ levels lower than theirs. Go Dw south and listen to them brag about it as well.
u pissed off that we own u over and over again? go get capped nooblol yeah i hated that, but thanks for confirmin, credit goes to lilldevil for the addinwe dont like... you are whiny and bitchy and we love shutting u up... than again blame it on ur union as well, jsut cannot stand ur union logo... we just do what they did to us ^^
* First thing they said
when they lost the fortress : "we had it for 6+ months". Not sure if they realised that fortwar is only every 2 weeks, and for 2hrs, meaning u actually have been defending it for a DAY or 2.
so why didnt KO union have it at any point during the day or 2? Fort started end of dec and we held on till end of may... so go count how many months noobplease ask them, but i heard the time of fortwar doesn't suit their time zone, but hey when the day was over they grabbed it didn't they? U guys got it bak coz the plan wasn't organised, but i'm sure they learn from their mistakes and they're bak together now they grabbed it after 6months... big deal. it took them 6months to come up with a force strong enuff to beat immo?*big achievement*clap*clap*
* They were happy as sh*t wen Bright_Sun got banned, coz he killed 351 of them at some fortwar. God, 351players, thats 7 full guilds and the almightyA**kisser.
we were happy BS got banned cuz he's a scammer and a ccfer ^^ no other reason... on the may day holiday... AlmightyGreatness had 300 kills... as a warrior with no suns^^ big Farking deal ehehehe
so he did? And ur happy he got banned? So what, ur union could have ccfers or scammers that we dunno about, i dont think they're all illiterate *HIGH WAGE* workers that can afford to buy alot of silku are right most of us are high wage workers... mostly adults in the union.. but than again find a scammer or ccfer in the union^^if you can ehehe

Facts About Immo's Trade Runs :

* A "dozen" of decent thieves from K_O's union can screw up any Immo trade, regardless the number of hunters.
LET ME EMPHASIZE(A "dozen" of decent thieves in reverse oblation^^) you know its truelol but they screw up ur trades rite? Thanks for the 'emphasis'ok sorry forgot to mention this...during the great trade periods... we used to make like 10 trades and day... KO jacks 1 of our 10 trades and they claim to be the best...yippykayay you call that an achievement?
* Tracing their trades is always an outside Resser, coz they know that the previous fact is TRUE.
the only reason we do that is cuz drunkens is never in suit... wake up and look at more trade runs... so u do it dont u? Confirmed, i don't recall seeing thieves walkin around with their personal buffers tracin them, u need to have serious talk with drunkens about ityou probably havent thieved enuff.. thieves always have a personal buffer too... drunkens is in your union too and he's one of the personal none suited buffers^^ pked him so many times before ^^
* They still don't understand why their trade goods are disappearing from the ground with no thief's bull or horse in sight.
thats dollars trick... pk2hack solved that probwell my bad, u no one of the tricks, but obviously dope has no idea
* They global false location of their trades, to seem strong and smart, and when thieves go and find nothing, they'll be globalling "where the *chicken* thieves at?"
LOL...Thats a joke... loosen your ass abit and learn to take a jokei can take a joke, i'm not the thief who goes to the false location, so it doesn't bother me. Hmmm weird tho dope said its usually where u guys say it is, are u 2 from the same union?like i said we run 100s of trades... i dont know which one u are talking about but we like doing that^^ fun to see the thieves running around like headless chicken

Facts About Some of
Immo's Union Members :

* Sro_Admin and lesfous are the only respectable guilds in that union. So is DarkenedSoul.
I'll bet you a 100bucks they hate your gutsnever said they're in love with me. Don't make up stuff, stick to the text bein written, i jus said they're respectable, if u think thats not a fact, then say thatindeed not a fact... they dont need your respect... 90% of the union doesnt even know u...
* Kazlac is a bunch of w***** lead by a s*** who can't even spell sentence right. He still thinks its "sentance".
You hate them cause you got owned by them over and over again... you outcasted egyptian little school girldid i mention i'm scarred for life coz of that insult? Oh yeah i did. The other day he was correctin my english mistakes on globals coz i said *went thru adultery* instead of *committed adultery*. Lol yeah maybe i made a mistake there but he didnt make it better by tryin to correct me when i said *sense* and he said it was *sence*. Oh and that *sentance*, that was a lowblowok so personal grudge aye? why waste the forums time... and im sure u still got owned by them over and over ^^
* Turks are nice ppl if you pick the ones you deal with carefully, don't try the ones in Immo tho, bad image for the country.
Like how the viets in XXX are bad image for their country?
u talk about that with xxx, u jus said like, so i suppose ur confirmin that turks in ur union are bad image for their country? Okie dokiewad i meant was don't stereotype... i guess i have to spell everything out for you...from the way i see it... 90% of ppl in my union respect them so it doesnt matter if you think they are bad are just taking out ur hate for immo out on them^^
Respectable people from Immo's union :

AngieSan, tyfly, The_Holy_, Invoke, Cute_Diba, RickRoss, _Iroi_, The_Artist, jlbbass, Belquerest, l_ilia_l (not really respectable, but a good guy ), bobole and many others.
Bet you another 100 bucks come on 100bucks only? I heard u earn alot they hate your guts in real life ^^Anyways if they like you so much or so uthink... get them to hate immo and get them to join ur shitty noobie guild ^_^i said they're respectable, dunno how many of them hate me, well its only ilia so far that i know about ^^, ur jus jealous ur name didn't go up there :Phonestly i dont need a noob like you respecting me...but for you to make a topic about us and the union already shows that we have made a significant impression on your life.

Ret***** F**s from Immo's Union (to whom i dedicate this) :

AlmightG0D, Rampage,
PPP (dunno the exact nick), Egyptiana (a guy), and many other f**s too
Thanks ;( its people like u that keep us goingyou're welcome ^^good doggie^^

I hope this was constructive enough to match ur educational level. If ya still think i didn't reply to ur editing, then ur gonna have to figure that out on ur own. MUACKS, and good luck at ur 'job'.
As for the rest of ppl plannin on postin, i'll be away for the day, i'll reply to ur posts 2mrw, so post as much as u guys want ;)

IHateWhiners, i thought u said u would not like to post on this topic again, stick to what u say ;)

MUACKS, and good luck at ur 'job'.
good to see i have already made and impact on you^^

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:15 pm 
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I Can't believe this forum is still operational without me dam, i left and thought no one could handle me leaving >.<, Well i see you guys have already had some fun [I love you guys, i really do]not sure why zero brought me into this, and i didn't know he had such a big mouth... not going to comment on everything there's so much. Lets start with the topic to begin with, jealously is a sin zero be careful, Where are these days? you've gone off the map you and your guild lol(is it still operational? surprised you've lasted as long as you did", but i see you've got a big mouth on the forums. Hmmm hiding on the interent how cute :)
Yeah we go way bak, remember ravinloonies? TiC? Ur friends that u abandoned? The union u effed up without a warning? The fact that shortie refused to join immo wen he was offered to and leave ur union long time ago, for ur sake? And the fact that u ditched ur friends in one day after u got the offer ;)

Is it true u got kicked from immo later coz muppanz was causing trouble? Musta taken alot of a**kissin to get bak in at that time

Yea we do go way back, and i go way back with shortie,shay,jay way before you ever showed up and before you became a douche, Now this where it gets simple watch what you say to me, you say i abandoned my friends? bro lets set things straight, Yes shortie was offered a spot, i was well aware of it, no shocker there so were we(Yea sorry your guild didn't make the cut, no surprise there >.<). I gave everyone in the union fair warning that we were taking up the offer. Everyone accepted it, jay took over the union and made a nice one ( :love: you guys, Shay get back to stalling :P) and Why bring this up? Got nuthing better to say, trying to see how many low blows you can get and oh aren't you big, we got kicked from immo want a cookie you fruit cake? You got kicked from K_O too, whos unionless? Bitch fix your own shit before you bark up my tree, and since your really slow just to clarify, DopeX isn't me hes too noopie :P I'm joking i LOVE DS! , so why all this shit talking now? is this what its come to, have you really hit this low, you can't do anything about us in game, you resort to forums? oh boy i also love that comment about how we have no lifes, rofl if only you knew, why do u think i bot, like G0D said were good at w/e we do. Just glad we got fans like you, little kiddies who can't do anything but run there's mouths, if you weren't such a pussies and calling me out on a forum, grab a cape come to dw south(i'll pay for tele) and will settle this. i'm done with this forum, which is why i left in the first place and done with this topic, Keep talking your hardcore shit here cuz thats the only place you can get a way with it.

Grow some balls and head to donwang and i'll give yea a few lessons you noopie, Watch what you say to me, Karmas a bitch


P.S angie says hey

I got Summer hating on me cause I'm hotter than the sun
Got Spring hating on me cause I ain't never sprung
Winter hating on me cause I'm colder than ya'll
And I would never, I would never, I would never Fall
I'm being hated by the seasons
So f**k ya'll who hating for no reason

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:11 am 
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So "cuz drunkens is never in suit"
"drunkens is in your union too and he's one of the personal none suited buffers"

I (according to this retard) am never in a job suit. But yet, I am the 1st and only LvL 5 Euro thief on Troy. Hmmm Something does not add up right. ... _Job=Thief I am sure Immo knows who BangBros11 is.

I will only External Heal if I see the Hunters and Traders do it 1st (Usually Immo has too).

Next time ya wanna bash me like this get yer facts strait dude.

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:07 am 
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we all know how u play drunkens ^^ and getting lvl 5 thief is easy :D

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:07 am 
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Troy_FTW wrote:
i didnt read any thing....

but what zer0isagod said :)

Respect bro ;) u did the right thing, glad u didn't make my mistake, payin attention to the bullshit bein posted by emo kids. (24 years old and cries over a game..... Passionate as he is eh? To mostly every1, other than ur pals, we call that gay!! Let me guess ur fav colour is pink as well, mr. Passionate?)
fortroy wrote:
MUACKS, and good luck at ur 'job'.
good to see i have already made and impact on you^^

Impact on me? Oh wait i forgot to mention *ps. was mockin ur a**kissin sound*. Lol u think ur union made an impression on my life? Can't blame u, u think sro is a life >.<. Ah i can't be bothered to give ur posts anymore attention, the facts are on the first post, ppl will read and see for themselves.

Now bak to fly, i'm gonna comment on ur post jus coz u came bak on forums for 'me' (speakin of impacts on ppl's 'lives'). I'm also bored of commentin in red, so i'm gonna use fortboy's fav colour ;) heard it matches his panties too o.0
Here we go :
Kekeke wrote:
I Can't believe this forum is still operational without me guess what? It is! dam, i left hmmm left? Or got banned for bot admission? I think its the latter, so i guess we should say u were 'made' to leave and thought no one could handle me leaving >.< i can't see forums posted anywhere with *we miss u tyfly, plz come bak*, Well i see you guys have already had some fun [I love you guys, i really do] speakin of kiss a** not sure why zero brought me into this ur part of the union, apparently to fortboy, if ur part of the union, u have an equal share of insults, and i didn't know he had such a big coz i didn't stop counterin the 'retarded' posts ur pals have bn infestin this forum with? not going to comment on everything there's so much indeed. Lets start with the topic to begin with, jealously lets pause for a second, jealousy? From what or who? I recall u guys offered me 12+ spots in ur guild to move in and grab my friends with me and now the fact that i refused, is that i'm jealous? Dunno if i should continue readin ur post, coz its seems from the start that its gonna be retarded jus like the others, but like i said u were bothered to make a new account jus for me, so i wont deny u the honor is a sin zero be careful, Where are these days?which days? you've gone off the map you and your guild lol obviously u haven't read the posts above, so i won't bother comment on that coz i already did(is it still operational? yeah! surprised you've lasted as long as you did" but i lasted, didn't i?, but i see you've got a big mouth on the forums. *repetition* Hmmm hiding on the interent how cute :) that smiley was even cuter, i'm not hiding on the *interent*
that was said by me ^^
Yeah we go way bak, remember ravinloonies? TiC? Ur friends that u abandoned? The union u effed up without a warning? The fact that shortie refused to join immo wen he was offered to and leave ur union long time ago, for ur sake? And the fact that u ditched ur friends in one day after u got the offer ;)

Is it true u got kicked from immo later coz muppanz was causing trouble? Musta taken alot of a**kissin to get bak in at that time

Yea we do go way back, and i go way back with shortie,shay shay? U mean shyla? Ok,jay way before you ever showed up i was in ur guild lol then left to make mine and before you became a douche douche? U mean coz i stayed in the union, and refused to join ur guild bak, jus so we could be in *immo's*?, Now this where it gets simple how is that? watch what you say to me lol simple indeed, you say i abandoned my friends? omg u can read? Wow! Funny part is ur about to answer the question in the f@%ked up way, were ur jus gonna prove u 'abandoned' them bro don't call me bro, i'm not ur bro o.0 lets set things straight, Yes shortie was offered a spot and refused it for ur sake. U failed to mention that., i was well aware of it, proves ur a great friend lmao no shocker there so were we but u accepted it, after what shortie did for u (Yea sorry your guild didn't make the cut u asked me three times to join ur guild, once when u left union, 3months later and the 3rd was even on a global -_-, no surprise there >.<not like i'm dyin to join immo lol). I gave everyone in the union fair warning ha that was like this *u got on union chat and said *alrite guys we're joining immo** then pooff that we were taking up the offer. Everyone accepted it lol is that why shortie and dufus were insultin ur guts the day u left?, jay took over the union and made a nice one ( :love: you guys, Shay u mean shyla? get back to stalling :P) and Why bring this up? let me see, ah it was dope, he was actin like he's guild master(i thought it was u) then later a figured out he knows shit >.< Got nuthing better to say, trying to see how many low blows you can get i haven't got a post so far that was able to shut me up. Btw i gotta admit i wasn't really sad wen u guys left, coz its only then that shortie and shyla realised i was a better friend than u were *even tho u go way bak like u said and oh aren't you big did u talk to my ex?, we got kicked from immo want a cookie you fruit cake? i'm havin dope's muffin, so no thanks You got kicked from K_O too, whos unionless? lol do u no why ongy kicked every1? Coz they were talkin shit, jus like u got kicked when mup was talkin shit, ur bak, we were offered to join bak but we didn't. Did it get into ur thick head? Bitch fix your own shit before you bark up my tree, u can come down the tree fly, i'm holdin my dog's leash tight and since your really slow just to clarify slow? Coz i couldn't tell if dope was u?, DopeX isn't me hes too noopie :P I'm joking i LOVE DS! , so why all this shit talking now? previously answered is this what its come to, have you really hit this low , you can't do anything about us in game, you resort to forums? let me say this in fortboy's 'kewl' way of makin things clear : "didn't u read the previous posts, d@%khead? Pay attention, ur sayin the same shit that they said" oh boy i also love that comment about how we have no lifes, rofl if only you knew, why do u think i bot there ya go, another bot admission, obviously ur not smart enough to learn from ur mistakes, oh and the fact that u bot, doesn't necessarily mean u have a life, u could be sittin ur a** on pc watchin ur bot grind, seein how retarded u sound, like G0D said were good at w/e we do. so far he didn't mention somethin other than sro Just glad we got fans like you is that an insult to me, or to u?, little kiddies who can't do anything but run there's mouths ok its an insult to u, if you weren't such a pussies a pussies? and calling me out on a forum dope is the one who did, grab a cape come to dw south(i'll pay for tele)can't refuse the offer, its 5k after all and will settle this ur gonna kill me in pvp? Is that gonna shut my mouth. i'm done with this forum, which is why i left made to leave* ie. Banned in the first place and done with this topic, Keep talking your hardcore shit here cuz thats the only place you can get a way with it.i could do it on globals too >.<

Grow some balls and head to donwang and i'll give yea a few lessons you noopie listen to his theory about growin balls >.< Watch what you say to me, Karmas a bitch and? There's gotta be somethin missin here


P.S angie says hey hi angie

Ok i'm done tryin to explain to every1, why their posts are ridiculous, from now on i'm jus gonna do whats best to be done, dealin with u guys


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 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:26 pm 
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"we all know how u play drunkens ^^ and getting lvl 5 thief is easy"

Lvl 5 thief easy? Then why is there only 5 Euro LVL 5 Thiefs on all of Isro? 30 servers.

Hitting lvl 5 thief is close to jacking 110 5* trades not pt shared Exp.

Actually I should thank Immo union for making me a lvl 5 thief. Its been fun jackin yer trades untill we forced you to start useing External buffer to complete trade runs.

You should really not reply dude yer just embarrassing yerself.

 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:31 pm 
Banned User

Joined: Jun 2008
Posts: 180
Location: Donwhang South
lol dont mind him drunkens.... he's capable of bullshittin with no limits

Here u are fortboy ;)

Credit goes to SoulKeepers guild from Arkenstone's union, especially pHow and _aXa, if it wasn't for them, we wouldnt be able to laugh at this

File comment: nice job!!
SRO[2008-07-03 14-17-02]_68.jpg
SRO[2008-07-03 14-17-02]_68.jpg [ 170.17 KiB | Viewed 21969 times ]

<<banned from SRF for bot admission. -SG>>

Last edited by zero0isagod on Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 Post subject: Re: ImmortaIity Union : Get to Know Them Better
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:42 pm 
Banned User
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Joined: Jul 2008
Posts: 23
Zero your a Farking joke, i turned my self in, i manned help and said hey you don't want botters, than i'm gone. I left by choice, something you should do before its too late. Try manning up for once and taking responsibility for your own actions, you bot too. and love the come backs, didn't know eminem was your idol

"didn't u read the previous posts, d@%khead? Pay attention, ur sayin the same shit that they said"

Now Eminems verse, from 8 mile
didn't you listen to the last round meat head
pay attention, you're sayin the same shit that he said

LOL you can't even make up your own come backs, btw what does the old union have to do with this? i offered you spots in my guild because some little bitch was whining like he is now, that he couldn't get into immo. You seem like you know how to run your mouth on the forum, so lets see you ingame, any day come to dw south bitch i'll be waiting or a Guild War maybe, come your guild was #1 in rev6 you have to be leet(and before you wrap your head around this its sarcasm.) Keep talking all the shit you want, i'll still be dw south.

PUSSSSY, come on zero, since were soooo noob this should be easy for you, dw south


p.s the man with the globals of ilia,

heres your own union, doing what they do best CCF and hiding behind newb acc's if your going to attack us use ur mains, you pussies,

ZeroWhosHero? Dw south bitch

I got Summer hating on me cause I'm hotter than the sun
Got Spring hating on me cause I ain't never sprung
Winter hating on me cause I'm colder than ya'll
And I would never, I would never, I would never Fall
I'm being hated by the seasons
So f**k ya'll who hating for no reason

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