[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/ztkAZnR.png[/IMG]
[SIZE="5"]Web Site : [/SIZE][url="http://www.atomix-reborn.com"]A-Reborn Online[/url]
[SIZE="5"]Facebook :[/SIZE] [url="https://www.facebook.com/Atomix-Silkroad-Online-1635107226522629/"]A-Reborn Online Facebook[/url]
[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]H[/SIZE][/COLOR]ello , welcome to A-Reborn. We are really proud to present your our 110 Cap server.We've experienced very well and improved game player. There are active community and a friendly staffs.The most important thing is very stable and nice server. According to your suggestions we just created a well-builded server. Here it comes old and new history "A-Reborn" with our multiple language support you'll have fun in this server. We are sure we will be witnessing the up-time rates for a very long time and we will provide services to the players from all over the world as the A-Reborn server is an international server. This situation brings; Different playing styles in the game and this is gonna be too much fun to our players. ¦ Grand Opening
Grand Opening at 26.08.2017
¦ Server Security
A-Reborn is working on 64 GB dediceted. Also we have ddos protector.
¦ Guild ve job punishment
These are just 1 day.
¦ Unlimited union chatting
In A-Reborn we have remoed limit of union chatting.
[TABLE]Level Cap 110
Mastery Cap 330
Race EU / CH
EXP / SP Rates 150x
Drop Rates 40x
Gold Drop 10x
Sox Dropping
Union Limit 2
Guild Limit 32
Silk / h Yes Req. Level 100
Alchemy rate 1x
Max Plus +12 for first Month
Advanced Elixier Yes
Stones Dropping Yes
Alchemy Mats drop No
Fortress Hotan and Bandit
DDoS / Exploit Protection Yes
IP/Limit 3[/TABLE]
[IMG=expandable: 4]https://i.imgur.com/rgiV5hV.jpg[/IMG]
You can buy +5 items until D10 in the NPCS.Our aim is assisting to your playing. You will also take the following items in the starting :
-10 Reverse Scroll
-20 Return Scroll
-Monkey for 3 days
-%100 exp helper
-%60 exp helper
-1000 Mp-Hp Potion
-%100 speed scroll
-10 Repaır Hummer
-5 Trade elephant
-5 deer
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/OjyVho9.png[/IMG]
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/cD7ye43.jpg[/IMG]
A-Reborn have a very simple system for alchemy. We know that you like it. The alchemy rate is 1x like isro but you can reach from 1 to 4 with a 100% change.We did it 1x because drop rate is high and we need something continuity.
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/zszXGs6.jpg[/IMG]
The first 10 days after the opening , reward silk will be 1silk/H. If you are over 110 Level and not afk , you can gain the reward silk.
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/0QxIDAv.jpg[/IMG]
Actually you know that this system from isro. We did not change anything about it. You can buy Egyptian Equipment with gold and silver coins.You will get these coins from events and job temple. There will be STR and INT uniques in temple.
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/O8iXG3B.jpg[/IMG]
Hey we have our own A-Reborn events system. Yeah we did it and it is really amazing. It will create funny world you and will give some nice prizes.
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/3zijpcr.jpg[/IMG]
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/b9IzOkw.png[/IMG]
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/fav7Xq1.jpg[/IMG]
We creating a buff system for balance. It is a simple but affective. We give a passive skill for chinese characters.
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/Lo3FAh0.jpg[/IMG]
We know that silkroad uniques are not enough for you so we add 7 new uniques. Are you strong enough to fight with these uniqiues?
Search the Jangan , Dowhang ,Roc Mountain , Hotan and Samarkand.
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/qi1qV3R.png[/IMG]
¦Khulood Location : JanganDrops :
- Devil upgrade elements ( with chance )
- Dress box elements ( with chance )
- 1 Immortal
- 1 Astral
Spawn Time: 2 hours
¦Ba'alLocation : HotanDrops :
- Devil upgrade elements ( with chance )
- Dress box elements ( with chance )
- 1 Immortal
- 1 Astral
Spawn Time: 2 hours
¦KarkdannLocation : DowhangDrops :
- Devil upgrade elements ( with chance )
- Dress box elements ( with chance )
- 1 Immortal
- 1 Astral
Spawn Time: 2 hours
¦JupiterLocation : ConstantionopleDrops :
- Devil upgrade elements ( with chance )
- Dress box elements ( with chance )
- 1 Immortal
- 1 Astral
Spawn Time: 2 hours
¦CerberusLocation : TaklamakanDrops :
- Devil upgrade elements ( with chance )
- Dress box elements ( with chance )
- 1 Immortal
- 1 Astral
Spawn Time: 2 hours
¦BabilionLocation : SamarkandDrops :
- Devil upgrade elements ( with chance )
- Dress box elements ( with chance )
- 1 Immortal
- 1 Astral
Spawn Time: 2 hours
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/nQxXj9w.jpg[/IMG]
You can get from the item mall or from monster drops.
With the Magic Pop Cards you can gain Items like : Sun D8-D9 ,Globals , Zerk Potions , Reverses ,
Premium Gold Time , Attack pets and dresses.
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/LBHHtGb.jpg[/IMG]
We added some helpful scrolls thats are Reset Skill ,Stat Reset ,Job and Guild penalty reset on item mall.
Do you like fashion?
With the item mall you can find many dress.
[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/hOV5aTV.jpg[/IMG]
¦ You can buy return scroll and gold bar via gold.
Extra informations :¦ Stackable Limit -Arrows 10000
-Bolts 10000
-All HP Pots 10000
-All MP Pots 10000
-All Vigors 10000
-All Elixirs 100
-All Universal Pills
¦ Battle Arena & Capture Flag[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/HnAsP4a.jpg[/IMG]
For Capture Flag
Each 2 hours.
¦ Fortress War• First time there will just Jangan fortress war. After we will open new castle as Hotan and bandit.
Register time for fortress war : between friday 19:00 and 00:00.
War time : Sunday 20:00 ( Server time )
¦ Job RankWe removed the bandit scrolls. Instead of Bandit Scrolls, we’ve added few teleports on map.
By using those teleports you’ll be able to reach thief town. We integrated Honor Academy System to
Job System each successfully trade runs give you Job Points. Honor Rank
will be resetted every new day.
• You will take point when you kill player in job arena.
• You will take point when you sell goods.
• Just the first three player will take the rewards.
• Ranks will be refreshed at everyday (00.00 server time) and It will be cleaned at monday (00.00 server time)
¦ Trade System• As you noticed that we’ve added different system on Job System.
So you’ll not be doing trade just to gain some gold. Your profit will be double of your goods.
Cities : Jangan , Downhang ve Hotan.
¦ Roc• 6 Immortal stone
• Coller of term ve elements
• Roc Items
Spawn Time : Tuesday and saturday ( 20:00 Server time )
¦ Medusa-2 Immortal stone
-1 Astral Stone
Spawn Time : Each day 14:00 , 18:00 ve 23:00 ( Server time )
¦ Dress Box[IMG=expandable: 1]https://i.imgur.com/tIAN0QM.png[/IMG]
We’ve added a system that give you avatar dress. You need to have at least
four Elements and a Collector to get a Random Dress Box. They are available at Roc and all uniques.