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 Post subject: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:10 pm 
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I've read a lot of cleric guides but none really spoke to me. Most of them just use cleric as sub but a cleric can be much fun as main build ;)

Why cleric?
  • You like to be yelled at ;) Seriously: everybody knows a cleric is the best character for dealing out buffs and everyone want some of these. But as cleric you may just ignore those callings and do as you wish. You'll probably get banned once in a while (especially if you don't give the leader his desired buffs) but you'll see that the party will die quickly as buffs disappear. The higher the lvl of the pt is the less annoying it gets.
  • You get the best parties. If you have a reputation of being a good cleric (not one that sits on their a** all the time) you will be wanted in almost every party (even to that point the people begin to say I :love: you), also the party where the enemies are 10lvl higher then you are so lvling that way will be quite easy.
  • A downside to the previous, your attack power is very low. You don't have lots of moves to show off with if you're alone. They take long time to cast and aren't really powerfull
  • Although you don't have a lot of attack power your healing power makes sure you stay alive with enemies much higher then your own lvl. A giant or even a giant party isn't really a problem, the real problem is the time it takes to kill him.
  • Don't begin with pvp, you will sux in it. But you can have a lot of fun with it ;) If someone can't kill you with one hit (like most archers) you can't be killed at all by them. You healing powers restore your HP too quick for them to kill you. They will eventually give up where you can go for an offering. You can always attack by surprise and do an offering, most people die from one (be aware of CHE char with firewall)
  • As a cleric you have to be alert all the time. Most of the time just going afk is enough to get the whole pt killed.
  • Reason why cleric isn't popular? It's hard to bot with it (so no grinding, plvl,...), because they don't have much power. You can be a sub cleric but in my experience they don't do their job good (really they just sit on their a** all the time and think that's the why to be a cleric...)

Full int, hybrid of full str?
No doubt about it: full int. You don't have much attack power so if you spend it on str you'll just be a very weak solo cleric. Also you must have a lot of MP because your healing skills consume a serious amount.
But a cleric is probably the hardest full euro int build to kill because they have a shield, defense buffs and powerful healing skills. If you fight solo you just won't get killed that often (especially after lvl 40).

This could be a tricky one. You have the option to choose between robe and light armor. Light armor will give you more defense and combined with some skills some extra defense. Robe will give you a light speed improvements (10% over light armor) and stronger healing powers.

I prefer light armor. The extra defense will give you the ability to stay alive in high lvl parties.

You'll need a cleric rod and a shield. The shield will be your best friend. It will give you a lot of defense extra and a block probability. Unfortunately a cleric isn't a very popular fighting build so it will be hard to find a good cleric rod. But if you do find one, it most likely be cheap because nobody fights as cleric so nobody wants a very good and expensive cleric rod (I bought mine 9dg +5 cleric rod for 20m). A shield is more popular among euro build so that won't be a big problem to find.

Extra advice: don't waste the magical option units on your gear on freeze, burn and other stat changes. A cleric has holy words/holy spell that covers the bad status problem.

Must have
Waste of SP
Divine Creed
  • Image - Heavenly Rage: most have passive skill. This boosts your trial cross/justice cross/(pure) offering skill. If you want to be able to attack as cleric this is needed
Cardinal Praise
  • Image - Trial Cross: One of your main (and only) attack skills. It casts not that fast but a bit faster than a firebolt from a wizard. Cooldown is 3 seconds but is linked to justice cross so you cannot cast it right after it (with is a pain in the a**)
  • Image - Healing: your first healing skill. You have to select your target and the use this. There are a lot better healing skill that don't require to select your target. This healing skill is also very weak.
  • Image - Reverse: with this you can resurrect someone. Skill is very slow at casting, unfortunately the only resurrect skill until lvl 40. You can't be a cleric without this skill at low lvl parties. But as soon as you hit lvl40 this skill is the first one to go ;)
    Some people keep it. It could come in handy when a lot of people die at once and the cooldown of other res skills are still counting. But in my experience it only happens in events
  • Image - Innocent: This skill greatly reduces 2 bad status changes at a selected target. It is useful when your holy words doesn't prevent you completely from status changes (and this happens). Don't get this for your party, almost everybody has a lot of universal pills so you'll be too late at casting it anyway.
  • Image - Justice Cross: the 'upgrade' of you trial cross. This skill just hits 3 targets at once, but has a longer cooldown and is linked to trial cross (so you can't cast it right after trial cross). Some may disagree with me on this, but I hate it. I always attack with trial cross-overhealing-trial cross. But with the longer cooldown of justice cross it's just messed up.
  • Image - Healing Breath: upgrade to healing but at higher level. Don't get it since you now have your better healing skills
  • Image - Grand Reverse: only get it when you have a lot of problems with the cooldown of other resurrect skills
  • Image - Integrity: cures 2 bas status from every party member. Fast cast, 6 sec cooldown, isn't liked to innocent (so you don't need it to get integrity). If you have it, you'll use it sometimes. Could come in use in pvp when attacking warlocks.
Mental Culture
  • Image - Faith: You need this if you want to heal people since most of them rely on this.
    This skill also boosts your healing skills when wearing robe and prevents you a bit from getting bad statuses when wearing robe.
Mortal Recovery
  • Image - Over Healing: an attack skill that deals absolute damage but takes a long time to cast and has a long cooldown. But is a fun skill to use since it always deals the same amount of damage (despite other peoples buffs, bad status on you,...)
  • Image - Glut Healing: the upgrade of over healing but isn't linked to over healing so its a must have ;) Hits 3 targets at once.
  • Image - Group Healing: heals the entire party by a small amount. Takes a while to cast and is only useful as a low lvl. You'll get betters healing skills so you can remove it when you get them.
  • Image - Healing Division: heals 2 people with the lowest HP, is fast at casting and has a very fast cooldown. This is probably my most uses skill because most of the time 2 people are getting the most damage so this skill will give them a little boost so you have a time to cast a stronger healing skill
  • Image - Healing Cycle: gives 16 sec of heal amount on a selected target and is one of your best healing skills. Very good skill to cast on a tank so you can focus on other people.
  • Image - Group Healing Breath: the upgrade of healing breath. There are better skills so don't go for this one.
  • Image - healing favor: upgrade of healing division but heals 3 targets.
  • Image - Healing Orbit: very powerful healing skill that relies on healing cycle but instead of one person the whole party gets his 16 sec of healing. Very useful in a tough position but consumes a lot of MP. I see people use it very often but I find it overkill (meaning most of the time it's too powerful and not needed).
Blessed Recovery
  • Image - Bless Spell: your 45 seconds of almost immortality, this is a must have. 2 min of cooldown and takes a while to cast. If you're in a party with many cleric subs you can organize it so you always have a bless spell on
  • Image - Recovery: heals a great amount of HP at a selected target. Cast a healing cycle instead to get a better effect ;)
  • Image - Recovery Division: every few seconds it heals the person with the lowest HP. This is a must have, but don't rely on it too much. In big parties you will have to extra heal people
  • Image - Group Recovery: heals a great amount of HP to the entire party. This skill is so powerful that I keep it a few lvl lower. Very useful when you can't heal everybody at once, but if you can get healing orbit this skill could be replaced by it.
  • Image - holy Recovery: same as recovery. Don't get it
  • Image - Holy Recovery Division: upgrade to recovery division so get it
  • Image - Holy Group Recovery: upgrade to group recovery. See sidenote healing orbit
  • Image - Group Reverse: resurrect the entire party all at once and gives them a little bit HP. Takes a while to cast and has a long cooldown. Useful in event or arena but you won't use it often outside of it.
  • Image - Reverse Oblation: another resurrect skill that gives the target all of his HP back + a great defense buff and HP boost so he won't die again right after you resurrect hem. In exchange he will lose 50% of his attack damage. After the buff is over he will lose a lot of HP, but it's his responsibility to be safe at that moment. Instant cast and a 6 sec cooldown. Must have for every cleric
  • Image - Holy Group Reverse: upgrade to group reverse
  • Image - Rebirth Immolation: same as reverse oblation but isn't linked to it. Don't know the cooldown yet or how long it takes to cast (don't have it yet), from what I know now you can easily get rid of reverse oblation and replace it by this one.
  • Image - Charity: You need this it to buff people with defense, str and int. If you wear light armor you'll get an extra resistance to bad status, get an extra bonus phy/mag defense when you get buffed (or buff yourself) with defense and get an extra bonus str/int when another cleric buffs you with str or int.
  • Image - Glory Armor: This skill will give you extra physical defense while wearing light armor. So no use if you wear robe. This is why we wear light armor. Combined with the little bonus of charity and the defense buffs you can give yourself you eventually get a lot of extra defense.
  • Image - Favor Armor: Same as the previous one but now for magical defense
  • Image - Offering: the most powerful attack in Silkroad. Takes a while to cast, consumes 95% of your HP and has a cooldown of 1min. It will probably kill most other players of the same lvl (and higher) in 1 hit. The best part: it hits 5 targets in range. You can use it when attacking mobs but it's very risky since it consumes 95% HP. Only use it in parties where you are sure no enemy will hit you after performing this skill
  • Image - Pure Offering: upgrade to offering so same story
Saint Prayer
  • Image - Holy Words: This skill will prevent you (or one target) from getting bad status changes. Together with faith or charity you probably will be immune (or at least almost) to any form or bad status changes. This skill can be replaced by Holy spell since they aren't linked together.
  • Image - Heaven Flash: Binds the enemy for a certain of time. I just don't see people using it so in my opinion it's a waste of SP
  • Image - Holy Spell: Same as Holy words but now for the entire party. You won't be needing Holy words anymore.
  • Image - Heaven Glare: same as Heaven Flash but now for 3 enemies. It's not linked to heaven flash so if you want it you can get it now.
  • Image - Force Blessing: Gives str to the selected target. You can only buff 4 people at the same time with str so choose your targets well but don't just do what they tell you ;) Cannot be used on yourself and the effect disappears when you switch weapons
  • Image - Mental Blessing: Same as the one before but now for int.
  • Image - Body Blessing: Increase the targets physical defense. You can use it on yourself, you can cast it as many times as you like, the effect doesn't wear of when you switch weapons (except on yourself). This skill comes in conflict with other buffs from CHE characters, but yours are a lot stronger. He must first dismiss his to get your buffs. Don't waste time telling him he's ask for defense buffs when he notices it.
  • Image - Soul Blessing: Same as body blessing but now for magical defense.
  • Image - Force Deity: Upgrade to Body blessing. You cannot cannot cast 4 Force deity and 4 body blessings (like some people think)
  • Image - Mental Deity: Upgrade to mental blessing.
  • Image - Body Deity: Upgrade to body blessing.
  • Image - Soul Deity: Upgrade to soul blessing.

How to buff
If you're in a party everybody will want to have a buff so everybody will scream for them. I usually only give people buffs if they don't ask them because I just hate it when they don't give you a second to buff yourself first. Then I always just say: I don't tell you how to fight so don't tell me how to buff. Most of them will shut up at that point, occasionally the leader will ban you for it. But you'll soon be invited back because the rest of the party will hate the leader for his selfish decision.

Always give people defense buffs (since you can cast it as many times as you wish).
If you have only 4 (or less) people in the party: give all of them str and int.
With more then 4 people in the party it gets tricky since you can only give 4 int and 4 str. I give int builds int and str build str. But a wizard is extra fragile (especially in life control). Try to give them str too or hope for a warrior to give them pain quota or physical fence.

How to attack
In parties with 2 or 3 members you can just attack like everybody else. You can also be the person that lures some enemies, but keep in mind that you say in range! You can easily attack with trial cross-over healing-trial cross-(if you have it) glut healing-...
If the party gets bigger you don't attack anymore. Focus yourself on healing and do an occasional offering on a party mob that attacks someone fragile. Cleric attack skills take a long time to cast and if someone is in trouble you probably won't be in time to save him. Also you do little damage compared to a wizard but keeping him alive will be a tough job by itself.
Be sure to alway be in the center of everybody so you don't have to walk a long way to get to someone. Ask the party to stay close to each other if they go too far out of sight. If they do spread out, stay close to the most fragile.

How to heal
Healing will be your primary function in a big party. I constantly use healing division/favor (since it consumes little MP and give a fair amount of HP) and in case of emergency a group recovery or healing orbit. You also have to watch the movement of fragile characters so you can quickly cast healing cycle when they begin to attack party mobs alone.
Give extra attention to warriors that have a lure job. They often go out of range so they will have to rely on potions so cast a healing cycle when they pass by. But be aware that when he comes by with a lot of enemies and you heal, the mobs will focus all their attention on you.

What about a sub
Bard: bards are a bit like clerics: not that good at solo play. They don't have a lot of defense and their attacks aren't all powerful. You can choose to be bard for speed and noise, but don't waste it on guard tambour or other buffs. In a parties everybody will want you as cleric since there aren't that many good clerics around and many wizards have bard as sub so they can cast tambour or other buffs.
Choosing this sub means that you will have a hard time playing solo, so you will always have to be in parties to shine.
A downside to this one is that you have to switch weapons to cast speed and noise and by doing so you'll have to buff everybody with str and int all over again. And also here if you switch weapons all the party members will begin to shout about their precious buffs (so if you recognize yourself in this behavior: STOP DOING IT)
Wizard: wizard have a lot of power, but lack defense. Since you are cleric you can wear light armor and have a defense advantage if you choose to be wizard. With this sub you can easily play solo as well as in parties but this combination requires a lot (and I mean a lot) of skill points.
Warlock: a combination that you don't see every day, but a very powerful and fun one. I have a friend that is one and he makes me regret my decision to be a bard as sub. I don't really know this build but it requires some skill to be good in both. But like with a wizard you'll need a lot of SP.
Other str builds: If you want to be a cleric as main build a sub like warrior and rogue is 'not done'. It requires you to invest in str and that doesn't go well with clerics.
Shield trash: you can choose to be a level 10 warrior just for shield trash. This skill won't be powerful but pushes 3 enemies away from you. Overall it requires about 40SP. It's a fun move but while warrior level is on level 10 you can run into a mastery level total being exceeding when you want to level up your cleric level or sub level.

That's it ;) This is my first guide so please be gentile :p
Server: Oasis - Ser1n - lvl70 cleric/bard

 Post subject: Re: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:44 pm 
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"hard to bot with"?

References to healing orbit, an 80+ skill and it's your first post ever?

Hi, welcome to SRF.


iSRO - AsparTame 8x - retired
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 Post subject: Re: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:10 pm 
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I think that targeted healing, instant healing is better than healing cycle in certain situations. Also (in grind parties atleast) you don't have to worry about mp consuming since there will be a bard too most of the times.

Props to chrisorg for the sig <3

 Post subject: Re: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:39 am 
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To be honest I've never had a bard in the party that did something about the MP consumption. They just cast a tambour and sit on their ass. This is likely the reason why I'm so wanted as cleric, I don't buff people and then just do nothing.
Maybe this behavior changes in higher level parties, but I don't have much hope for it.

Hard to bot with. A cleric isn't fast at killing, if you go solo or bot the process is very slow. A wizard or nuker alone will kill much more enemies in the same time.

 Post subject: Re: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:48 pm 
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iemand wrote:
To be honest I've never had a bard in the party that did something about the MP consumption. They just cast a tambour and sit on their ass. This is likely the reason why I'm so wanted as cleric, I don't buff people and then just do nothing.
Maybe this behavior changes in higher level parties, but I don't have much hope for it.

Hard to bot with. A cleric isn't fast at killing, if you go solo or bot the process is very slow. A wizard or nuker alone will kill much more enemies in the same time.

Yeah, he didn't mean that. Botting is frowned upon here on srf. At higher lvl's you will have bards that actually use their mana orbit.

Props to chrisorg for the sig <3

 Post subject: Re: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:58 pm 
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Welcome to srf, nice guide :) didnt read through it, but looks pretty good. :)

 Post subject: Re: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:01 pm 
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XMoshe wrote:
iemand wrote:
To be honest I've never had a bard in the party that did something about the MP consumption. They just cast a tambour and sit on their ass. This is likely the reason why I'm so wanted as cleric, I don't buff people and then just do nothing.
Maybe this behavior changes in higher level parties, but I don't have much hope for it.

Hard to bot with. A cleric isn't fast at killing, if you go solo or bot the process is very slow. A wizard or nuker alone will kill much more enemies in the same time.

Yeah, he didn't mean that. Botting is frowned upon here on srf. At higher lvl's you will have bards that actually use their mana orbit.

Nah, was just curious how he knew it was hard to bot with :P

I'm a bard sub cleric and hell yeah I use mana cycle and healing orbit ALL the time. You can't have a wiz running out of mana.


iSRO - AsparTame 8x - retired
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 Post subject: Re: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:58 pm 
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Good guide, I guess. I've seen a few cleric-only builds before, but those were pure STR clerics on kSRO. One thing I should mention is that the bard attacks are faster and more powerful than the cleric attacks (except for the absolutes). While soloing, you should be able to survive with RD and noise up. As bard, you get the benefit of tambour while leveling. At 110, it grants you 47% absorption in either physical or magical damage which helps a lot.

- Aege's former resident tactical medic

 Post subject: Re: [guide] Full cleric
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:45 am 
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This build is pretty good for playing selfishly on Salvation.

Silkroad Salvation

Shiver CHN Pure Int Heuksai/Light/Cold
Fade CHN Hybrid Pacheon/Fire/(Light)
Selfish EUR 5:1 Int Cleric

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