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 Post subject: [GUIDE]Warrior/Wizard
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:52 pm 
Common Member
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Joined: Oct 2012
Posts: 111
Location: Bleh
Before you think this Build might be bad, just read everything.

I always thought, why not use the Advantages of the Wizard Class, such like using Fear, Combustion, Invisible and much more.

Well you will see why.

This Guide is for the Lv.100 Cap! This Build is Pure STR!


Light Armor is a must for this Build, you won't handle your MP otherwise!


1. Warrior Skills

Frenzy Buster

Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image This is optional, but I suggest you to max it also out.
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!

Guard Barrier

Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!

One-handed Lord

Image Max this out!
Image This will increase your Phy.Def while wearing a One Handed/Sword and a Shield. Max!
Image This increases your Blocking Ratio while wearing a Shield. Max!

One-handed Sword

Image Optional, you can max this out if you want.
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out. This is one of the important Skills for your survivability!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!

Two-handed Lord

Image Max this out!
Image Max this out! This one increases your chance to Crit more while wearing a two handed Sword!
Image Max this out! This one reflects the Damage back to the Enemy.

Two-handed Sword

Image Max this out!
Image Max this out! This one grants your more survivability!
Image Optional, you won't likely use it in Person vs Person but mostly in PvE.
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out! This one will be your "Kill-Skill". It mostly will be your most used Skill.

Dual Lord

Image Max this out!
Image Max this out! This gives more Attack Rate while using Dual Axes.
Image Max this out! Will shorten Abnormal Status Times and will reduce chance to get one of these.
Image Max this out! This one increases Phy.Def while wearing Dual Axes.

Dual Axe

Image Pretty meeh, but it is Optional!
Image Max this out!
Image Useless in my Opinion.
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!

2. Wizard Skills

Natural Spirit

Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!

Force Mental

Image Max this out!
Image You're putting everything to Strength (STR). Do not skill this!
Image Max this out!
Image Do not even touch this!

Earth Mentalist

Image Dont touch this!
Image Max this! Good against Peoples in Fortress War. They mostly run away, use it!
Image Dont touch this!
Image Max this out! This one makes you Immortal for 20 Seconds against Physical Enemies!
Image Dont touch this!
Image Max this out! Useful in Group PvP and Fortress War!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Absolutely must! Max this and use it against Rogues, they will not hurt you anymore!

Cold Mentalist

Image Do not touch this!
Image Max this out! This halves MP of the Target also drains it out!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Max it out. This Skill is good for hiding while Thieving or playing in CtF!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Max this out. Useful for Group PvP or Fortress War!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Useful for CtF and FW, max this out! There is a little trick for this Skill, use it and switch to 2H Sword. Go behind someone and use "Dare Devil".

Fire Mentalist

Image Do not touch this!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Max this out. Best way to detect "Invisible" Wizards!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Max this out!

Lightning Mentalist

Image Do not touch this!
Image Max this out! In Combination with Combustion it does really hurt!
Image Max this out. This one will be your Emergency Knock Back Skill!
Image Max this out!
Image Do not touch this!
Image Max this out! Good for Group PvP or Fortress War!
Image Max this out!
Image Max this out!

3. How to use this Build in Person vs. Person?

Simply. Most of you surely played an Warrior/Cleric, just forget this time about the Cleric Heals.

If Enemy is "Physical" start with Earth Barrier/Fence. Switch to Dual Axes and use Sprint Assault. If your Enemy is not stunned!, use Sudden Twist. Now if your Enemy is stunned, switch to 2 Hand Staff and use Mana Drain and Lightning Shock.

After this use Charged Wind/Charged Squall. Switch to 1 Handed Sword/Shield and use Shield Trash/Shield Crush, do not forget to use Sprint Assault and get the Enemy stunned!.

Once the Enemy is stunned, switch to 2 Handed Sword and use Dare Devil.

These steps may take about 30-40 Seconds. You need to count on your Crit on your 2 Handed Sword.

4. What about the other Warrior Skills?

It is simple. Most fast skills like Crutial Rush,Deadly Counter and Daring Berserker are made to drain off the Health of Chinese Players.

Dual Axes are not stronger then a one Handed Sword! Keep that in mind.

Dual Axes actually are Important. These Skills are the fastest in the whole Game, that is the reason to use these against Chinese after a Dare Devil! The Skill Speed of these are so fast that a Chinese might not Pot anymore since he cannot out Pot the Damage!.

We exist to learn from Mistakes.


Last edited by Holy on Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Warrior/Wizard [GUIDE]
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:53 pm 
Common Member
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Joined: Oct 2012
Posts: 111
Location: Bleh
PvP Wise against other Builds

European Builds

Warrior and Rogue :

The important Key to win the Battle is to keep up the Defense and there is a simple Way to do it.

Firstly cast Earth Fence (42% on Lv.100) that should halve the Damage so your Chance of getting One hitted by Dare Devil or Prick is low!

Immediately try to stun the Enemy and do Dare Devil, watch if Earth Fence doesn't run out in that time.

If it runs out, simple do Skins and try to Stun the Enemy and use Dare Devil.

If Skins are gone do again Earth Fence.

You see the Point is to keep up your Defense while you fight against Warriors or Rogues.


Not much to say, Sprint Assault and a fast Attack like Rising Turn.

If you're clever use Mana Drain (Combustion) immediately, switch to 1H Sword / Shield and use directly Mana Skin and use Daring Berserk and the Wizard eats the ground.


This one is hard but we all know that a Warlock has already enough MP Problems. So your Solution for this one is ... Combustion!

I must also say, get Pills.... Purification Pills are a must against Warlocks otherwise you have a huuuuge Problem against them.

With Combustion the Warlocks MP gets even more less and since most of their Debuffs already costs enough MP it is hard for them to keep up their MP.

The funny fact about STR Warlocks is Combustion kills their MP immediately, you can also use Fear against them since they do not have Cleric as their Sub Build.

Pretty much like the Strategy for Warriors. Stun 'em and use Dare Devil.

Bard and Cleric

I must say, Bard is one of a Hell if it is played correctly. If that Bard is Full Blue and also has a Uber Set, you have a hard time to kill the Bard through Guard Tambour.

Your Only solution for that is to break Guard Tambour and hope that you finish the Bard with Dare Devil.

About Clerics, you gonna have a hard time against them. Nothing will work if they use Integrity so your Combustion / Fear is pretty useless.

Try to stun em once their Healing Cycle/Orbit is gone and use Dare Devil.

Chinese Builds


They're too easy. Key Points to win are Combustion / Fear and Earth Fence.

Use Earth Fence, Combustion and directly Lightning Shock. Ice Bladers MP will be gone in seconds and they can't out pot it if you gonna battle against one with their Snow Shield =)

Dare Devil and the Blader kisses the Ground.

Sword / Shield Nuker

Hardest Enemy I must say but they're like Spear Players. Usage of Snow Shield leads them to Death.

Combustion / Fear is the key to win. Once putted on the S/S you can use Dare Devil.


As funny as it sounds... they're actually your weakest enemies.

Let's say they already have a huge MP Usage of their Skills, why not make it harder for them with Combustion? Oh another thing is why not use Earth Fence?

Use Earth Fence, Combustion immediately after that and if you want Fear.

If both Debuffs worked, just use Dare Devil and the Glaiver will also say goodbye.


This one is one of your toughest enemies.

Fact is 90% of these are using Snow Shield (Mostly even 50-70%)

Combustion is your Key to Win and if you want you can use Earth Fence.

Earth Fence --> Combustion --> Stun --> Dare Devil.


As we all know, Bower are tending to Knock Back Spam you.

Their Weakness is also Combustion but you need to get closer to the Bower.

Use Teleport once you're to far away also use Earth Fence / Combustion and Fear on him.

If that worked (Pretty hard) Dare Devil and maybe you're the winner in that case.

We exist to learn from Mistakes.


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