continuation of the thread(topic) is below.※ As STR, we think that the characters have Unique killing rights.That's why we add STR Unique.
Tiger Gril / Uruchi / Isyutaru / Lord Yarkan / Demon Shaitan / Captain Iwy / Cerberus
The Uniques game mentioned above has versions designed as STR. They spawn in the original spawn areas.
※ Job temple, indispensable of activities. are the focal points of the game. Job wars in this area will add joy to the game.
The rewards you get here will add joy to your victory. From the uniques you killed here
Special box, immortal stone, lucky magic powder You get valuable items like.
Selket / Neith; Time: xx.xx / xx.xx
Anubis / ısıs; Time: xx.xx / xx.xx
Of the job cave uniques, seth has always been attractive.. Our team was designed according to Seth 100 levels
in order to add competition and activity to the game. Thus, we created a new event.
You can enter the room in this way: Seth Unique appears and you can enter the room via Downhang teleport.
※ Seth Time: 21:30
Of the job cave uniques, seth has always been attractive.. Our team was designed according to Haroeris 100 levels
in order to add competition and activity to the game. Thus, we created a new event.
You can enter the room in this way: Haroeris Unique appears and you can enter the room via Downhang teleport.
※ Haroeris Time: 18.30
A new job arena has been added to keep the competition at a high level.. You can enter this area only in job mode.
A great fighting environment will be waiting for you in the room.
In this system, which keeps the Thief Hunter struggle at a high level there is 1 unique in the room.
Dragon unique drops are below.
We activated this system, which exists on the basis of Silkroad online.. 'ROC' is known as the biggest unique in silkroad history.
and the person who massacred it is congratulated by all.
In addition to all these, the awards to be obtained from ROC are important awards.
entry is made from the original teleport point: Roc Mountain.
Wednesday and Friday spawn at midnight 00:00
The legendary medusa creates competition in every game. Many players compete fiercely to kill the medusa.
We have increased the rewards for more competition in medusa. The rewards obtained from Medusa are below.
Time:xxx xxxx
The Madness event is announced by the system to all players [10] minutes [5] minutes before the event starts.
Registration is available at the Event Sochil, in [ Downhang. ]
After registering, the system will beam the madnes to the arena. and all players wear auto cape. ( You cannot remove cape during the event period.! )
Your goal is to achieve honor points in the room as well as to kill Unique.Various awards fall from Unique.
There is a killing counter inside the room. The characters you have killed will be reflected in the kill countera.
At the same time, Kill Counter will reflect both your character nickname and guild name.
sample picture
- [Madness Arena]: 20.00
- [Madness Arena]: 23.30
We have created a space where personal individuals can fight.Solo Unique Room is a region where you can fight individually.
The system works as follows.
In the room, Karkadan becomes a unique spawn. When Unique Spawn. The room is for entry from Donwhang teleport.
Creating a Party and using Zerk inside the room is disabled
Everyone will struggle individually.
The Survival Event is announced by the system to all players [10] minutes [5] minutes before the event starts.
Registration is available at the Event Sochil, in [ Downhang. ]
After registering, the system will beam the Survival to the arena. and all players wear auto cape. ( You cannot remove cape during the event period.! )
in Survival Arena Creat Party, Useing Zerk Disabled. Your And character and guild names are hidden. Everyone will struggle individually.
Survival The top [3] people in Killcounter will be awarded.
You earn 2 honor points for each character you kill. You cannot get points by constantly killing the same character.
The FFA Event is announced by the system to all players [10] minutes [5] minutes before the event starts.
Registration is available at the Event Sochil, in [ Downhang. ]
After registering, the system will beam the FFA to the arena. and all players wear auto cape. ( You cannot remove cape during the event period.! )
in FFA Arena Creat Party, Useing Zerk Disabled. Your And character and guild names are hidden. Everyone will struggle individually.
You will earn [ 1 SILK ] from each character you kill in the event. The last one will win the [ Special Box. ]
You earn 2 honor points for each character you kill. You cannot get points by constantly killing the same character.
The LMS Event is announced by the system to all players [10] minutes [5] minutes before the event starts.
Registration is available at the Event Sochil, in [ Downhang. ]
After registering, the system will beam the LMS to the arena. and all players wear auto cape. ( You cannot remove cape during the event period.! )
in LMS Arena Creat Party, Useing Zerk Disabled. Your And character and guild names are hidden. Everyone will struggle individually.
The last one will win the [ Special Box. ]
You earn 2 honor points for each character you kill. You cannot get points by constantly killing the same character.
For more players to enter the Battle Arena We have added Honor system and Unique.
The Unique we created for the Battle Arena system will be waiting for you in the battle arena.
You earn [1] honor points for each character you kill. You cannot get points by constantly killing the same character.
The team that wins the Battle Arena is rewarded with 5 Arena coins. The losing team wins 2 arena coin.
- [Battle Arena] (Party): 00.00
- [Battle Arena] (Party): 03.00
- [Battle Arena] (Random): 04.00
- [Battle Arena] (Party): 11.00
- [Battle Arena] (Party): 14.00
- [Battle Arena] (Random): 15.00
- [Battle Arena] (Random): 19.00
- [Battle Arena] (Party): 19.30
This system is for individual players.. Make 2 default entries per day to the holy water temple. 5 Unique are waiting for you in the room.
You can have the rewards made by killing the Unique in the room. Its uniques balances are designed for 100 levels.
We made extra additions for players who love unique killing.
You will be able to kill these uniques and win prizes.
You will not have a hard time finding uniques.
We have added to the Standard, Normal Unique spawn points.
Tiger Gril appears at spawn points and spawns 5-10 hours after being killed. The rewards are as follows.
Uruchi appears at spawn points and spawns 5-10 hours after being killed. .The rewards are as follows.
Isyutaru appears at spawn points and spawns 5-10 hours after being killed. The rewards are as follows.
Lord Yarkan appears at spawn points and spawns 5-10 hours after being killed. The rewards are as follows.
We also think about the players who can not get silk in the game. And creat magic pop system.
You will be able to use the magic pop cards you have by killing uniques here.
NOTE: [ Magic pop cards are not sold with silk, they are obtained only from Uniques. ]
While adjusting the Alchemy system, we did not want to bother you.But as always, this is luck.
※ Lucky Magic Powder; This Lucky magic powder, which is not easy to obtain There is 2% more chance of success.
There is a plus notice system valid for 10 DG SOS-MOON items.
All items upgraded from +7 or higher are announced in the game.
You will get +2 honor points for each alchemy raised +7 or above.
We organized the biggest problems you had during Alchemy.We activated the Alchemy safe system.
I tell you about the alchemy safe system.
Required for SOS-MOON items only. If you want to upgrade more than + 5, if your weapon does not have immortal stone,
the upgrade is canceled by the system.
This scroll is only valid for weapons and shields.The aim of the scroll is to give your weapon or shield an extra +1 plus. Valid for 2 hours.
After 2 hours, your gun or shield will be unusable and you will have to return.
To use, dress up your weapon or shield to your character and use scroller.
Example: If your weapon or shield is +7, it will be +8 for 2 hours when you use it.
If you want to prove yourself on Silkroad, you have to go to fortress war
The fortress has a guild fortress that kills at heart in the war.
the guild that owns the castle also gets the gold in the castle Fortress war is a structure based on strategy.
but we want to make this system a little more fair in our game.
The guild names you kill inside will be reflected in the killcounter.
Everybody loves different types of weapon models and effects because of that we added Model Switcher and Glow Switcher in game. Also prices aren't too much like other servers
In order for our players not to get bored in the game we developed various auto events.
You can attend these events, spend time and win prizes.
System announces 10 min ago, 5 min ago and 1 min ago before Kill The GM Event
Event zone is Donwhang South-Gate
Event happens with 3 rounds BOT spawns start of rounds
Person who kill [BOT] earns prize
Prize : xxxx
System announces 10 min ago, 5 min ago and 1 min ago before Lucky Party Number Event
Main purpose of event is opening certain party number
Party number determines according to open parties at that time
You will be awarded if you could open certain party number
The Search and Destroy event tells the system that it will start 10, 5 and 1 minutes before the whole game.
The system is 1 lv in a random zone. Battle Golem will spawn and give clues to the area where it is located.
Battle Golem is an easy-to-kill unique, so the issue is finding it.
The character that search and destory will be rewarded with XXXX.