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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:11 am 
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Bakemaster wrote:
That would just force everyone to waste even more mastery points on force. Seems counterproductive to me.

The beauty of a heal-over-time skill is that right now healers sit there spamming heal constantly. They can't move, if their target runs they have to stop healing to follow them, and they can't fight. It just pissed everyone off. However, if the heal-over-time has a duration of 5 seconds and cooldown of 10 seconds, the healer can not only heal AND fight, they can use it on themselves right before they begin to fight for an added boost.

If your reason is to allow the healer free time to throw in an attack, the options seem more limiting.

A healer can instant heal 1000, then attack, then heal again. Whether to constantly spam heal or throw in a few attacks is the player's choice.

A heal of 200 per second for 5 seconds with a 10 second cool down isn't going to be very effective in healing. That acts like a very limited vigor that you cannot spam. The cool down forces healers to do something else for 10 seconds which may very well mean a dead tank.

If you completely remove the cooldown to be spammable, then it acts like an additional vigor and the player gets to choose when to heal or when to attack.

But, overall, instant heal with the option to spam has more potential and's great for emergencies and is easier to gauge.

The +3 crit passive though is interesting. The only reason to give strength users more crit is if you think they are weak now and in need of it. With force, strength users will have convenient access to heal which would mean even more survivability. They'll also have access to resurrect and stay at the battlefield even longer resurrecting each other as they're already tanks.

Force is supposed to be the cleric and it's viable if there's poison imbue (regardless of what it says), then 90 spear/sword 90 force (+ poison nuke) 5x light 5x fire.

More so, the solo grind needs to be fixed as does the jobbing system.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:49 am 
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Who said anything about making the heal over time heal the same amount as the instant heal? That would be idiotic. We're talking about redesigning the skill, here. Of course the numbers would have to be tweaked for balance.
zphantom wrote:
Whether to constantly spam heal or throw in a few attacks is the player's choice.

I'm sorry but as someone who participated in many hunter/thief wars at the 70 cap with level 70 res and over 3k heal (that's level 60 force mastery, one healing taoist hand heals half a SSS in the same time as SSS) I can tell you that this is not really an option. Lag, plus the casting delay, makes it extraordinarily hard to time when they actually get healed. Plus the party HP counter lags so you have no idea when they're using potions. You often wind up with your heal going off right before they get hit, when their HP is already full, making that cast absolutely worthless. And the amount of time it takes to cast, compared to how much it heals, is ridiculous. It basically keeps a pure STR alive in a 1v1, except that if you have a healer it's really 2v1, and so you might as well just kick the other guy's butt and forget healing. If it's 2v2 and one side has a healer, all other things being equal, the side with the healer generally loses because the force skills can't make up for the wasted mastery points.

If you remove the cooldown on a heal over time it lets one healer keep a constant heal on maybe 5 players at once, and then it's overpowered. If you're spamming it on yourself you're wasting ABSURD amounts of HP and MP pots and not doing any damage to the enemy.

Meanwhile you're asking Joymax to create new imbues and new nukes, and completely redefine the force tree? Stop dreaming. I have worked with these people. There's barely a snowball's chance in hell that they'll even make the simplest of suggestions here, and if they do it won't happen for six months.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:30 pm 
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sugestiont to GM: Make a system to remove stalls ... like a NPC whit all need(search filter/player name/ lvl of item etc etc) where ppl can put his item for selling would be great

Aege player sience feb © 2006
GM listened and implemented the ideea i suggested in 2007
the result = Stall Network and later consignment trading system

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:43 pm 
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Bakemaster wrote:
If you remove the cooldown on a heal over time it lets one healer keep a constant heal on maybe 5 players at once, and then it's overpowered. If you're spamming it on yourself you're wasting ABSURD amounts of HP and MP pots and not doing any damage to the enemy.

just kill the helers then
Guild wars in Heros Ascent Teams
the whole teams ALWAYS targets the WoH Monk First (me T_T)
i could spam heal spells like crazy
very powerful ones too

<<banned from SRF for bot admission. -SG>>

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:06 pm 
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if it wil make people happy il try arrange another q&a but this thread is old and a lot of questions irrelevent so lets let it die

healers are quite weak in sro thus why all builds are solo builds unlike other games but in one way thats what makes this game different

the stall question has been asked and the answer is on the q&a in the announcement forum

if i do manage another il make a new clean thread ok :?:


I am not online much if you wish to get hold of me send me a private message with your email/discord and ill catch up with you.

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